Canadian real estate sales are feeling the pinch of higher interest rates, and consumer credit isn’t far behind. Bank of Canada (BoC) numbers show household debt printed a new record high. Despite the record high, the rate of growth continues to slow for consumer debt levels. The decelerating growth is yet another indicator that the […]
People often boast of the quality lending standards that support Canadian real estate. Every now and then, lawyer and investor Joey Evans reminds us that’s not really the case. He recently posted a great example on his Twitter account, highlighting a Toronto home. The mansion, located in the City of Toronto, had mortgage debt over 3x […]
Time for your weekly cheat sheet on this week’s most important stories. Canadian Real Estate CMHC: 55% Of Toronto And Vancouver Real Estate Buyers Were In A Bidding War The CMHC took a novel approach to finding out why Toronto and Vancouver buyers were so frenzied – they asked them. Conducting a survey of recent […]
One of the world’s largest credit agencies is noting credit exhaustion at Canadian households. Equifax is seeing a declining number of Canadians paying off the balance on credit cards. Total nothing burger to most, but it’s actually really interesting to credit nerds. Carrying a balance increases the odds of credit delinquencies later down the road. […]
Statistics Canada has updated the non-resident real estate ownership stats for Greater Toronto. Finally, some data!
Have you ever woke up after a night of drinking, and only had a vague recollection of what happened? Then your responsible friend sets off a chain of text messages, trying to figure out where you went wrong? Well that’s what the Canadian real estate industry just did, and man-o-man did people screw up. The […]
According to the Canadian Real Estate Associations’ SNLR, Toronto was the fastest cooling market in the country in May.
The Canadian real estate industry just became a little bearish. The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), the trade association representing the country’s agents, has revised their 2018 and 2019 sales forecast. The organization now sees sales falling even further this year, than they did during their prior forecast. Declines are now expected to be over […]
Time for your weekly cheat sheet on the most important stories in Canadian real estate. Canadian Real Estate Can You Tell If These Central Bank Quotes Are About Canadian Real Estate In 2018, Or The US Before The Great Recession? The real estate industry listens very closely to the Bank of Canada, but how useful […]
If the adage that real estate prices follow credit growth is true, Toronto may be in for a rough ride. Using Bank of Canada (BoC) data to estimate dollar volumes, we see less mortgages are being issued in Greater Toronto. The decline is exclusive to traditional lenders, as more buyers turn to subprime loans. The […]