Toronto Has Over 99,000 Unoccupied Homes, Here’s Where They Are [Interactive]
New data from Statistics Canada show that 99,236 homes in the Toronto CMA are irregularly occupied. So we thought we’d map them!
The hottest news and analysis on Toronto real estate. Here’s where you’ll find the latest home prices, and trending issues on housing in the Six.
New data from Statistics Canada show that 99,236 homes in the Toronto CMA are irregularly occupied. So we thought we’d map them!
The average price of Toronto real estate increased by $40k in the first month of the year, a whopping 5% increase from the month prior.
Toronto rental rates surged up to 25% in the last quarter of 2016, according to the latest release from the Toronto Real Estate Board.
Is Toronto’s luxury real estate actually booming? We take a deeper dive into the numbers, so you can make a better informed decision.
The latest report from the Toronto Real Estate Board saw lower prices in December, but more sales and less inventory.
Holiday joy skipped Toronto real estate in December. According to the latest numbers from TREB, single-family detached homes dropped 4%.
Toronto real estate had its seasonal drop as usual in December, but this time it was almost twice the amount of the years prior.
Toronto condos sold for higher prices, and even faster than last year – despite concerns that the market may be driven by speculation.
Latest numbers from the Toronto Real Estate Board show continued strong demand for single family homes in the GTA.
Toronto real estate was impacted minimally by new mortgage rules, as the first full report since the changes showed continued strong demand.