Canadians Present A Major Threat If They Realize They Won’t Own A Home: RCMP

Canada is facing a number of destabilizing forces—like climate change, disinformation, and young adults never owning a home. That’s the take from an internal RCMP report called the Whole-Of-Government Five-Year Trends For Canada. The report is a “scanning exercise” on evolving risks for law enforcement to monitor. It puts the fact that many people under 35 will never own a home, on par with disinformation and climate change.  

Police Worry Canada May Be Destabilized If Young People Realize They Won’t Own A Home

One of the concerns law enforcement is warning about is the impact of eroding economic conditions. Especially when it comes to young adults. 

“The coming period of recession will also accelerate the decline in living standards that the younger generations have already witnessed compared to earlier generations,” reads the report.  

Canada may have seen a pandemic economic boom, but it was largely related to rapidly appreciating real estate. Unfortunately, that doesn’t apply to young adults who saw housing get further out of reach. 

“For example, many Canadians under 35 are unlikely to ever buy a place to live. The fallout from this decline in living standards will be exacerbated by the difference between the extremes of wealth, which is greater now in developed countries than it has been at any time in several generations,” warns the RCMP.

Wealth disparity is bad enough, but what happens when that wealth disparity is driven by shelter disparity? It’s a problem not typically seen in advanced economies at scale. 

The RCMP report also includes a number of other hot button issues. Erosion in trust in the West, paranoid populism, big data harvesting, climate change, and artificial intelligence were amongst the issues they briefly mention.  

Locking A Class Out of Land Ownership Has Historically Driven Instability, Ruined Economies

The report doesn’t get into the details, but the destabilizing impact of wealth polarization is a very real issue. The transfer of housing from end users (or even “mom & pop” landlords) to institutional investors results in communities being reduced into yield generating assets. As a consequence, prioritization of wealth extraction occurs without regard for long-term sustainability, leaving communities vulnerable to shock. 

This was a destabilizing factor in some notable points in history. For example, there’s the Irish Potato Famine and the resulting Land Wars. In a more extreme example, there was the Chinese Land Reform Movement. In both cases, the extraction pushed people to a point where they had little to lose—and people with no vested interest in an economy tend to become liabilities. 

Once again, those were extreme examples the Mounties are worried could brew over time. A more immediate issue is one capitalism originally sought to address land hoarding and productivity. Adam Smith, credited with creating capitalism’s foundational works, criticized the state’s focus on taxing labor over land, which creates a natural land monopoly. The result is a gilded class that extracts the wealth created from labor, draining a nation of its ability to grow productivity. Canada is already approaching a lost decade as a result of its over reliance on real estate



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  • Albert 2 months ago

    Nobody with half a brain is worried about climate change

  • Kate 2 months ago

    Tell this to Trudope

    • Thuy 2 months ago

      “Corrupt African leaders” are not the only aggressive consumers to take away affordable housing in Canada, but also the irresponsible importing of huge numbers of immigrants.

      How could anyone approve for more people to migrate to the freezing land that requires heating most of the time of the year and knowingly pushing more people out from their homes is beyond sanitary. Let alone owning a house. Let alone relying on Heat Pumps to deal with Canadian winters. It’s just one more way to waste away resources we have left.

    • js 2 months ago

      No, it’s ALL of them.

    • Connie 2 months ago

      Read your history about carbon taxation origins starting under Harper. Profit is also the measure of success by conservative decision makers. Those at the top of the wealth pyramid ought to realize this article tells history and future. Better give the masses hope, especially the energetic youth, not just pictures of destruction, and killing to mimic. I’m too old now but would like to say without genuine respect for all things be it a tree or another’s views this planets future doesn’t look good. For once I’m glad I am old!!!

    • Laurie 2 months ago

      Thanks Trudeau this is what you think is a leader. You have never been and never will you be any kind of leader.

      • Yzarc 2 months ago

        If women ran the world would children starve? We are doomed humans can not even agree on simple many directions does. A tree grow in? Simple truth,
        But we argue it grows up it grows out , it grows down& its humanity going down. So look around see the truth we are going in circles.

      • Jolene Higgins 2 months ago

        I wish you Liberal haters would realize it is ALL of their fault in the last 30 years. Corporate welfare and corporate greed are the driving forces of our “elected” government.

        This didn’t start with Trudeau and will not end with him. He is just the latest face in a growing line of faces that have mishandled this issue grossly. It is easier to blame the person in charge regardless of the damage done their predecessors.

    • Dwayne 2 months ago

      He seems to be the only common thread between these wildly different themes.

    • F#$% trudeau 2 months ago

      Untill they get rid of the clowns in ottawa ..better off if chimps ran canada

      • Jolene Higgins 2 months ago

        That will not solve the problem. You will just have another face to spit and kick at. I want to see a solution, not a change of diapers.

    • Alec Athey 2 months ago

      We will also behaving bomb going off in Canada because we are letting to many people in from the Countries where it was a normal occurrence. We really do not know for sure these people are who they say they. If you look around the world where ever Muslims entered there has always been conflicts after about 10 years. The will start to tell that this is theirs claiming areas of the country. I pray that I pass as I could not stand seeing this. It might even come earlier because of housing
      I am scared this might start in this country where have always had peace

    • William Younger 2 months ago

      The youth of today need to realize that they have been used and manipulated! They are a generation of protesters! They protest the oil industry…high paying jobs gone!! They protested the beef industry…high paying jobs gone!! They protested the mining industry…high paying jobs gone!! They protested the pulp and paper industry…high paying jobs gone!! They protested farming… high paying jobs gone!! They protested the lumber industry…high paying jobs gone!! What do they expect!! Its sad that all of these well intentioned but misguided protesters will be destined to live in cardboard boxes!! So sad!! Stop listening to the Liberal Left…period!!

      • Jolene Higgins 2 months ago

        How does that all equate to the Liberal Left exactly? That sounds more like a tactic of the Conservative Right to me. Capitalism first is not a Leftist ideal…

  • Ron Bruce 2 months ago

    Our ill-informed Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau’s botched decision to dramatically increase immigration — and allow a flood of temporary workers and international students — without providing proper support has created a laundry list of economic problems, including higher inflation, unaffordable housing and weak productivity, chief economists at Canada’s biggest banks said Thursday during a wide-ranging panel discussion in Toronto.

    • Jolene Higgins 2 months ago

      TFWs and international students, are not immigrants. Immigrants are intended to be permanent residents, not temporary.

      As for the reason behind the increased immigration, look no further than the UN Compact of Migration from 2018 that Canada signed onto. While the compact does not explicitly state any numbers, it can be safely assumed that immigration into Canada has increased due to this Compact.

      Try stepping back to see the bigger picture here. Not just the immediate picture.

  • Curtis C 2 months ago

    The people under threat, are the ones trying to buy one and start a family.
    And they got mouths that can open to
    So the, TCMP can, swallow some pride, because there’s a department called the DND, that knows, exactly what kind of Fodder is not, criminal.

  • Erk 2 months ago

    And so… what is the solution?

  • Colleen Jakimchuk 2 months ago

    Now we’re all domestic terrorists.

  • Clark Chilton 2 months ago

    The only disinformation is coming from main stream media and the government. Those sources are indeed a very big problem in Canada. The only way we can solve these issues is:
    1. An election
    2. Stop watching or reading mainstream media.

    • Jolene Higgins 2 months ago

      An election will not solve a thing. The only way it will is if we have an option that has not been in the system as long as all these career politicians have been. The system is rotting and you know it.

  • Andrew 2 months ago

    No more a threat than the RCMP and government.

  • Kevin Young 2 months ago

    We are well on the road to becoming a third world country and this is just the tip of the iceberg we call canada

  • Frank 2 months ago

    What should irk the youngers, is the gov pushing purpose built rentals. What about rent to own ? They are looking for debt slaves, to fill their coiffures, and rents in many cases now is more than a mortgage payment. This prevents from saving for a down payment. Just remember: You’ll own nothing and be happy. No, we won’t.

  • Devin 2 months ago

    First I’d like to find out more about this so called economic boom after the pandemic. The only people getting ahead are the upper upper class that are gouging everyone. Inflation and the cost of living has gone up astronomically but very few raises except at the highest levels. Loblaws increased profit of 8% from a year ago what does that say about the food cost increase…. more than just the carbon taxes.

  • Jason Azevedo 2 months ago

    Don’t forget my favourite The Land Reform of Tiberius Gracchus in Ancient Rome.

    • Roger 2 months ago

      About 1/3 of the cost of a house or condo in the greater Vancouver area is government fees, taxes, and permits. Nobody mentions that when they talk about the cost of housing.

    • Chris Parent 2 months ago

      The source of this information makes me believe the RCMP is looking for more money to protect the land owners and money hoarders from the unstable serfdom. I wish we had a government for the people.

    • TRAVIS ARMSTRONG 2 months ago

      The Canadian government printed 22 percent of all the dollars in 2 years, for a ridiculously overblown plandemic. That level of Inflaton benefits the rich, and destroys the middle class. After which the government went ridiculously insane with immigration, making Canada one of the fastest growing countries in the world, with nowhere to put refugees other then in hotels. Couple that with the worst government in the history of Canada, based upon insane Liberal wokisim, Nepotism, corruption and fulfilling the World Economic Forums Agenda. As well as giving Billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine, and squandering countless billions more funding an inept and evil government

  • Ahmad Mohammed 2 months ago

    Canada is total mess and completely corrupt government and dysfunctional institutions. Affordable Housing is a fundamental and basic right for every citizen like education and health care. Housing is not a dirty business and money laundry and should not be controlled by mafia groups connected with corrupted governmental officials who cares only about their own wealth. There should be direct and strict supervision by real government that cares about people. Doubled and tripled Housing prices in few years is insanity resulted from absence of governmental policies and contributions. Government has to take over and hire their own builders and sell houses directly to citizens for reasonable price

  • Frank 2 months ago

    This article was very well written and a swift motion is in place to make change on affordable housing. Current problems interrupting mandates are banking/credit, supply chain, corporate stimulus and strategic reserve related. Most can easily be fixed with allowances and policy shift at nearly zero cost but we cant force ports, truckers or building companies to serve government mandates. They need incentives

  • Ayman 2 months ago

    Interesting article. Could you provide a link to the references used in this article. Thanks

    • Omar 2 months ago

      I believe the rule is journalists can report on leaked confidential documents but aren’t allowed to release them if it’s still considered legally confidential or “secret.” See Assange for how widespread releases go in the name of journalism.

  • Brad 2 months ago

    Yes, people with nothing to lose can be dangerous. The country is being de-stabalized in several ways, and people are falling through the cracks…as planned.

  • clyde gronk 2 months ago

    This started with Conservative Governments and unfortunately continued and will continue if nothing is done,using real property as a place to hide money is criminal,homes should be affordable to all,I mean homes not mansions,unfortunately government needs to end foreign ownership,reign in speculation along with programs for home ownership

  • Robert R. Janisse 2 months ago

    Too low interest caused it. When cost of borrowing is too low it increases market prices. Real Estate is a local market and should remain that way. Residential real estate should be owned by residents only.

  • Roger 2 months ago

    My comment about 1/3 of the cost of housing being government imposed costs got canceled. I guess that’s unacceptable speech.

  • HAL 2 months ago

    Referring to your own people as a threat shows that they see themselves as our rulers and not public servants which is quite literally in their job titles. There’s a reason trust in institutions is tanking, they’ve done nothing but lie, obfuscate and grift and we can all see it.

  • Wayne Sharp 2 months ago

    The RCMP point out the events or situations that destabilize society! Yet fail to call out those responsible for this occurrence? Once again the government’s control over media and police protect our leaders for their heinous crimes against society! That is the greatest cause!

  • Margarita Sim 2 months ago

    While the corrupted Provincial governments collaborate with the land developers and the real estate corporations who occupied most of the avaulable homes of the housing markets as as for rental only, the government then abolished the long standing rent control policy which was supposed to protect the renters. Just a couples homeless are growing like weeds in all major cities. The richest have become multiple richer and the poor have become homeless.
    This situation has never seen throughout canadian history and is totally against the Canadian core value.
    This has come to a point not only owning a home is unreachable but even having a decent shelter to live while having 2 jobs has become remotely possible. Where is the hope for our younger generations to come.
    Canada is already an aging country. If we couldn’t give our youngsters to have hope in this country, Canada will be dying. Even millions of immigrants that we have attracted into this country, majority of those with higher quality have chosen to leave.
    If our governments of all levels still don’t wake up and do something about it, once when they are gone, they won’t come back.

  • Robin 2 months ago

    Keep voting liberal and no one will own a home

  • Major Threat 2 months ago

    How much do they pay RCMP? I bet it’s enough for a house.

  • BY 2 months ago

    What happened to the best country in the world? How many jobs is needed to afford anything.

  • M.Bury 2 months ago

    History always repeats

  • Talitha 2 months ago

    This article ended rather ubrubtly! I scrolled down looking for the rest of it.
    Sort of like trying to find an apartment nowadays, i suppose .

  • Cassandra Dobbing 2 months ago

    Why is Katzie’s First Nation’s Lawns all brown if You look over there reservation you can see that someone is intentionally messing with there water supply? Why everything else is all green around them but the area the water drains down and all around there properties Why?

  • RFJ 2 months ago

    As a Senior,young and old will be fortunate to find just a room.
    Those that are retired with homes cannot pay for taxes will have to sell their home.
    In my opinion this was preplanned by government that want control over us.
    I see news groups with online comments use many means to stop them making it very difficult to express opinions claiming certain words inappropriate on purpose.

  • Destructor of Humanity 2 months ago

    Interesting the rcmp are publishing this finding. All any government wants is to stay in power by dividing the population. Instead of reforming, the government will only seek to impose new rules and laws to keep Canadians down. This country was never designed to get people ahead and prosper, it’s still semi feudal as England was when canada was founded. It is, and always will be, rich against poor in this country, and with laws that are b3ing passed, the people will continue to be walked on by the government, and that’s all governments not just trudope. They all seek to maintain a certain power over all of us. Our children and grandchildren will find themselves in the next china, chinada, if you will.

  • D'Arcy S. 2 months ago

    “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”😊😳 The advent of the “Great Reset”.

  • Marcus 2 months ago

    It’s a 100% manufactured housing crisis. The government would be able to solve this problem in a matter of weeks through a multitude of avenues, but they don’t. If they’re now viewing us as a threat as a result of conditions they’ve created, I’m of the opinion that we aught to be exactly that or we will never be free again. You can vote your way into a mess like this, but you have to shoot your way out.

  • James 2 months ago

    Gracchus was assassinated unfortunately. History repeats.

  • S. DUNN 2 months ago

    CEO’s in the 1970’s made 5x the income of the Company Employees, now they make 300x. This has pushed all the wealth to the Top resulting in the Middle Class not being able to afford to own a home or raise a family successfully. Democracies begin to fail when this happens. Taxation of the Ultra Rich and Corporations has to be increased to rebalance the Wealth more fairly to the middle class or the middle class will lose faith in governments and Democracies will fail.

    • Al 2 months ago

      The ultra wealthy also can afford to pay for political donations lobbyist to pressure, convince and persuade government to make rules to benefit them thus increasing their wealth even more.
      It’s an exponential swirl for them.

  • JOE POE 2 months ago

    The only dis information is coming from the government itself. Also the pandemic has butchered the economy. You can’t take rungs out of a ladder and still climb it.
    The Rcmp need to do their jobs and arrest corrupt politicians in their homes while they sleep….
    This is all by designe and has been since day one. I called it years ago and it unfolded exactly as I predicted.

    • Trey 2 months ago

      Number of times the gov claims disinformation and then journalists prove true is disturbing. Sam Cooper is unveiling how messed up this whole country is and MSM is just ignoring the issue.

  • Abe 2 months ago

    Anyone earning less than 50k a year should not be taxed, especially if they have a family to take care off. Tax the rich and make them pay their share. They make money in all the wealthiest nations and hide their money in offshore accounts.

  • Bay Guy 2 months ago

    Same people voted trudo in

  • Patrick 2 months ago


  • Abbey Bradshaw 2 months ago

    There should be a peoples government that’s elected officials make up from the people themselves and assured by the people that one government entity is strictly prohibited from using land from crown land to be used by government but only by The power of the people that had a vote in what place or places should be used and what for not just leave it to the government to decide

  • Steeve 2 months ago

    This began well before the present government. Giving away our intellectual property rights to the USA, poor development of northern regions and over reliance on a resource economy

    • SL 2 months ago

      Long, slow burn from the 90s when our talent started to flee in the “brain drain.”

      Bigger problem is we had a huge opportunity with people after Trump tried to lock out talent, but squandered it by trying to turn the workers who would normally build US innovation into rent paying schmucks at real estate start ups.

  • Mm 2 months ago

    I think to be more accurate your article should have included the fact that if young couple (in largely populated areas) can save enough money to try to buy a home, big business developers, who get all the breaks from the government, outbid all offers, tear down that home, and put up a 6-8 Plex, or more. This is a problem, and should’ve been included in your article.

  • Le Dude 2 months ago

    Maybe if the RCMP had done their job and arrest Trudeau back when it was known he was corrupt, things wouldn’t have escalated to this point. Or was that the plan all along because the RCMP is just as corrupt?

  • Mike 2 months ago

    Yah, blame all this on Trudope! Mr. Inflation has caused all this along with the excessive amount of immigrants without housing for them.

  • Russ Wylie 2 months ago

    Yep this is dictator Trudeaus destroyed woke Canada 🇨🇦 and RCMP doing a study that a 10 year old could do in 5 minutes since results are obvious. When our prime Minister personally violated every Canadians charter of rights ( found guilty) and is not arrested by RCMP, we have a huge problem in once was a country of honor and pride.

  • Jasmine Salem 2 months ago

    Trudeau’s sunny days!

  • John 2 months ago

    This is no accident like come on n this isn’t Trudeau he’s trained to destroy a country from within government n you all know it! He takes orders…do you?

  • Cody 2 months ago

    Im thirty eight years old and I havent wasted my hard earned income paying somones mortgage for them to get a free house in probably more than twenty years. I have many usefull skills that can easily br exchanged for a place to live did the off grid thing for a while but for the last while ive lived on various watercraft sailboats tugboats an old ferry a beater little sailboat can be had for a thousand or two dollars and once you are living the boat life many opportunities to upgrade present themselves . I live in vancouver bc supposedly its the most expencive city in canada to live i have four different boats around the greater vancouver area that i can crash at for free i work on the water so this is very handy. There are many different ways to get around the high cost of buying an actual house.

    • George 2 months ago

      SO what are you suggesting… everyone live on boats? Good for you but what a pointless comment. I’m sure you have gills too.

  • Curious 2 months ago

    I wonder why the RCMP needs to spend /waste money on gathering information on data that is readily available if not obvious?

  • John Sharpe 2 months ago

    Really, we paid the RCMP to conduct a study of obvious? Studies and reports….but never any useful action.

  • J 2 months ago

    Sounds to me like a generation of people feeling entitled but not willing to make sacrifices.
    Does everyone forget the 80s when wages were low and interest rates were in excess of 17% for mortgages? At that time, most families started out renting.
    Every generation has struggled but there are some who seem to think they’re the only ones experiencing tough times.

    • Timmy 2 months ago

      Technically buying was the best deal ever in the 80s, and could not have been easier for us. Interest rates suppressed prices and then it got cheaper with each year that passed as rates were cut and values inflated.

      I entered the 2000s with a mortgage payment around $200/month for a home now worth something like $6 million.

      Bought in 79, upgraded in 81. Sold the original place at a loss but the place I upgraded to was the same price as the first—so I got 3x the house in a better location.

      Initial sale was only a loss on paper. We got an interest rate relief cheque from Canada to mitigate the rate crisis. Today they’re giving these kids high rates, high prices, and charging them extra taxes. It’s a clown show.

      • JCH 2 months ago

        So true – people now don’t realize that it’s not normal for homes to cost 10-15x average annual salary!

        Let’s put the blame where it belongs – corrupt govts and central banks supporting, who wanted to buy votes by spending more than revenue would allow. Let’s lower interest rates to stimulate the economy! Great, let’s do it more! The insane indebtedness and moral hazard this has caused will be the death of developed economies, Canada’s first.
        Get out while you can – there’s no future for us or our kids in Canada any more.

      • George 2 months ago

        Thanks Timmy, fools like J irritate me the most. Its as if they have no idea how good they had it and expect everyone to prosper as they did under current conditions. Just shows how completely out of touch they are.

    • Pauly J. 2 months ago

      Except the average house wasn’t even twice the average family income in 1980, now it is almost 7 times the average family income.

      Which sounds like tougher times to you?

    • Jacob Muller 2 months ago

      To be clear, average mortgage rates in 1985 were about 11.75%. The average house in Toronto was $109,000 according to the Toronto Real Estate Board. Back in 1985, the median Toronto family income was approximately $31,965. This means (assuming a 20% down-payment and 25y amortization) mortgage payments were $885 or 34% of gross monthly income.

      Now, mortgage rates are around 5%, and the average house price is $1,108,648. The median household income is $78,378. Again, assuming a 20% down-payment and 25y amortization, mortgage payments are $5,158 or 80% of gross monthly income. That leaves $1,373.50 for food, gas, water, insurance, and — oh wait, that’s BEFORE income tax which is over $1,600/month by itself.

      So it is, quite literally, impossible to own a home, no matter how many streaming services or avocado toasts the current generation avoids.

      Please explain how this is in any way the same as the 80s.

  • GT 2 months ago

    Let them eat cake seems like a general theme here.

  • Claire-Ellen 2 months ago

    Let the revolution begin!

  • Ritchie MacInnis 2 months ago

    No one really is interested in the misbehavior of neighbors.

  • Dave 2 months ago

    Ya,lets hire more armed forces,aka,rcmp to deal with this obvious problem..i highly doubt that Justin and associates have ever had to concern themselves with budgeting in their households.. remember,

  • Dwayne 2 months ago

    Why would you rank an affordability crisis against or even mention weather change and articles that manipulate? Trudeau seems to be a common theme.

  • Aimee 2 months ago

    It’s hard to watch capitalism destroy our planet and it’s people without trying to do something about it. Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it right?

  • Diane harrison 2 months ago

    Our government is to busy trying to look good by lying and how well they are doing for our own use? They keep changing the year everything is to happen obviously after they are no longer in power.

  • Kyle Moras 2 months ago

    So extreme poverty is as likely to cause high crime as climate change. Good to know the RCMP is still incompetent.

    • Trader Jim 2 months ago

      The RCMP probably needs more funding to fight climate change.

      The funding will be equal in size to the payout in lawsuits to defend the management that committed sexual assault but still get to keep their job.

    • Abbey Bradshaw 2 months ago

      They seem to never have had it hard in life golden spoons and forks and knives and stop the immigrant from buying houses but never give us as Canadian to own a home 🏠 that the problem with the rich no one has a chance anymore to get anything poverty and rich no middle class anymore but the low working people pay the Rick manss

  • Trev 2 months ago

    This country is pathetic and you’re not buying a house unless you’re Chinese or east Indian so don’t even bother trying countries ruind now anyways too far gone to come back

  • VitaminsD3K2etc 2 months ago

    I have survived the sociopathic hurricane of big brother tyranny by paddling into the calmer eye predominantly off-grid of the downward spiral of the worldwide hurricane of insanity.
    I having refused the bioweapon due to thousands of hours of exploratory research in biophysics, biochemistry, etc. I still suffer from the 5 family deaths in 2023 alone, most, likely precipitated by a psychopathic cabal of incorrigible media, political and vice driven medical and military, intellectual false gurus and other virtueless cowardly tribes.
    Sadly we can all expect much more increases of excess mortality across our beautiful planet’s crippled primate population.
    Stand up and educate yourselves through The Highwire, Dr William Makis and their growing number of courageous cohorts too voluminous to state here.
    The inheritances, I will receive precipitated from the malicious manslaughter and outright murder of my immediate and extended family,pale infinitesimally to the destruction and loses of life.
    Please I implore each of you to become fully informed and rise up to defeat the false and wanton narratives and take action to enhance the survival of your family and communities
    Rant paused for now

  • G.C. 2 months ago

    Yes… Canadians likely represent a threat to the source of the noted issues.
    The future with a soft-landing starts with a federal election.
    Info wars are fought with open dialog, facts, discussion, convincing the audience of a point of view and correct next steps. Info wars start because of lack of debate, dictates, and forced compliance to perspectives. “Because my staff say so” is not a reason for anything, but does invite skepticism.

  • Thomas Solski 2 months ago

    We ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until homelessness gets to 20% levels. And at this rate, it will. Give it a decade. For those of you who still think “oh that could never happen here”, think what the reaction would be if you could take a snap shot of Canada in 2024 back in time to 1980. A person living at that time would think “no way, that would never happen in Canada.

  • Bussy 2 months ago

    This is article is great cause all the seething boomers in the comments can’t decide if they agree because they hate Trudeau and blame him for everything or disagree because young people are entitled communists and just pull up those bootstraps ;^)

  • Josh Saunders 2 months ago

    Let the riots begin, well get our homes by killing off boomers.

    • Jay 2 months ago

      That’s an extreme comment; we can all protest but murder and property damage is not okay. Your parents, uncles, aunts are all boomers. Are you into killing your own kin? Get a life and figure something else out rather than extremism.

      What we need to do is start house building coops like habitat for humanity and super charge it.

  • yun yang 2 months ago

    The RCMP report suggests more prtection for Trudope is needed

  • Curtis C 2 months ago

    Ok, keep being fooled by the political extremists.
    If you ain’t wide open right now you’re mentally and emotionally unstable. 😉
    Crime against Humanity.
    Multiple Life Sentences.
    And everyone of all section 15 standards can learn to MYOB for the rest of your pathetic life’s.

  • Curtis C 2 months ago

    10 lost years?
    100 thousand times 20-30.

    Will never own a home in the ‘Housing Market’?
    Will never submit to being a Transvestite Prostitute?


    Extinction Party Status.

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