Gorgeous 4 Bedroom Modern In Roncesvalles, 44 Fern Avenue

44 Fern Avenue - Dining Room

The times are a changing.

44 Fern Avenue was last on the market in 2013 for $599,000 and listed as a “beautiful” Roncesvalles home that was “loved for over 40 years.” Fast forward to 2016 and that home is no longer there. Replacing it is a black brick and steel, modern home that’s listed for $2,289,000 wait…now it’s $1,989,000…wait…$1,599,000. That’s it! At least that’s what it’s listed at with Steven Fudge at writing, but with two price cuts who knows how much it’ll actually go for. It’s a gorgeous house on the inside, but even with the almost 3/4 of a million price drop it seems a little over priced considering there’s a few recent renos within a couple of blocks that are better value.

The Details

Despite the pricing, the house is a beautiful, modern 3,000 SF home with 4 bedrooms, and six baths. Oak herringbone floors have radiant heating, LED lighting to supplement the massive windows on both sides of the house, and this kitchen.



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  • Reply
    Deborah 9 years ago

    A few more weeks and it would have probably sold for the original price. That house is actually underpriced for that area.

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    Lauren W 9 years ago

    Generic box. Another developer that thinks you can put up four walls and call it a modern home.

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    Katy 9 years ago

    Nice try with the cheap finishes and the nice furniture. The “two year” builder warranty on the listing is the giveaway that it’s probably not built to last. Even my Ikea furniture comes with a 10 year warranty.

  • Reply
    Ruth 9 years ago

    I love this neighborhood, but it’s getting way too expensive to purchase property here. Just a little further west ends up being much better value.

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